Savory bacon with subtle, sweet, and spicy flavors that compliments bacon’s natural flavor perfectly! Have you ever met anyone that doesn’t like bacon? I...
Try these creative and delicious grilling recipes to impress friends this grilling season! With Memorial Day, July 4th, and warm weather upon us, its...
Smooth and creamy Mexican inspired sweet corn ice cream made possible by freeze dried sweet corn from our friend Jenni and! During my...
The BEST homemade strawberry frosting bursting with real strawberry flavor! Can you guess the secret ingredient?This recipe is brought you by our friends at...
These Turkey Burgers are a healthy and simple weeknight dinner idea! We have some suuuuuuuper picky eaters in our family. It’s humiliating, honestly. I...
Zesty BBQ chicken, sweet and savory bacon, topped with swiss cheese, all inside sweet Hawaiian rolls make for an unforgettable combination! These ingredients might just...
Copycat Hostess Cupcakes with a Valentine’s day twist. These cream filled red velvet cupcakes are topped with a fudgy chocolate glaze, filled with cream...
Craving something sweet and savory? Try our irresistible honey lime chicken recipe, guaranteed to become a new family favorite. Turn chicken into an unbelievable...
The best foods to make you a Superbowl host extraordinaire, from flavorful wings to decadent brownies. One of my favorite times of year…NFL playoff and...
Completely addicting bean dip made with cream cheese, mozzarella, taco seasoning, and (of course) refried beans! We love to eat ours with mango salsa...
The best football hors d’oeurves you can find on Pinterest for Superbowl, College Playoff, and College Bowl Football season! I cannot get enough football...
Rich and fudgy brownie cookies with peppermint bark in every bite. We’ve officially reached our last recipe before Christmas! So I thought we’d better...
These peppermint Oreo balls are filled with a rich, decadent Oreo inside matched with a refreshing peppermint taste. Perfect for Christmas! I have to give...
Soft and chewy sugar cookie bars loaded with white chocolate, peppermint bits and topped with fudgy chocolate frosting. Have you ever had Lofthouse Sugar...
This butternut squash pie is absolutely delicious. Thanksgiving and Christmas are especially great times to break out this pie with its hints of nutmeg...
This wonderful combination of cheddarwurst, avocado, and caramelized onion will leave you wanting more! You can make these flavor packed sandwiches in just minutes. I know these...
These danish’s are an easy, weekend breakfast that will impress friends and family. This sweet, cream cheese pastry will leave you wanting them week...
Enjoy these pumpkin recipes collected from Pinterest! Fall is only days away, and with fall comes those sweet, nutmegy, pumpkin flavored treats we all love. Good...
Layers of cinnamon graham crackers, pumpkin mousse, and chocolate ganache form this delicious no-bake pumpkin treat! Pumpkin season has arrived!! Even so, it still...
We’ve scoured Pinterest and found the very best salsa recipes, both sweet and savory, and they’re all right here. Salsa, Chicken Drumsticks, and homemade...
Keat’s Eats is all about sharing delicious, family-favorite recipes that are easy to make and bring joy to the dinner table. Whether you’re a seasoned home cook or just looking for some inspiration for your next family meal, you’re in the right place.
Chocolate Protein Pudding
Monster Cookie Energy Bites
Protein Donuts
Macro Friendly Reese’s
Valentine’s M&M Cookies
Red Velvet Sugar Cookies
Holiday Recipes E-Cookbook
Looking for holiday recipe inspiration? Download this free e-cookbook with all our favorite holiday dishes, including recipes not found on the blog! Subscribe to get your copy today 💌