Gluten-Free Dairy-Free Monster Cookies Recipe Our grandma makes the BEST monster cookies. Her recipe is a family favorite, and I recently tweaked it ever-so-slightly...
Authentic Italian Lasagna Recipe My mother-in-law grew up in Sardegna (Sardinia), Italy and makes the most delicious food! This recipe for Authentic Italian Lasagna...
Peanut Butter Swiss Meringue Buttercream Frosting This silky smooth peanut butter frosting is a cut above the average buttercream. Instead of the usual powdered-sugar-and-butter...
Baked Brie Spaghetti Recipe This Baked Brie Spaghetti Recipe brings together two of our very favorite foods to make one amazing dish! Brie, sun-dried...
Candy Cane Shortbread Are you looking for a quick and easy-yet-festive treat to make for those holiday cookie plates? These easy shortbread cookie bars...
Easy Snickerdoodle Cookies Recipe Traditional snickerdoodle cookies get an upgrade in this recipe which includes white chocolate chips, crunchy toffee bits, and a texture...
Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies These Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies (aka Oatmeal Scotchies) are favorites of mine, especially in the Fall. Chewy oats, milk chocolate, and butterscotch...
Better than Starbucks Pumpkin Bread Recipe I posted this recipe for Better than Starbucks Pumpkin Bread several years ago on Something Swanky, and people...
Spinach artichoke dip that is super easy to make, creamy, delicious, and perfect for any football, basketball, or baseball game appetizer. Spinach artichoke...
Mom’s Choc-Oat-Chip Cookies “These Choc-Oat-Chip Cookies Recipe is our family’s favorite cookies. Sometimes we’ll add M&Ms” -Mom, Keaton Family Cookbook Related Recipes: Thick and...
An all-time Christmas favorite modified for keto lovers. Keto Gingerbread Christmas cookies. What even goes into gingerbread cookies? I honestly didn’t know and had...
Easy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies These EASY Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies have only 2 ingredients (or 3 ingredients, depending on how you make them)....
Halloween Candy Apples These Halloween Candy Apples make a tasty treat and are extra spooky! Plus, they look really cool. Related Recipes: Black Widow...
Comfort food at it’s finest! This Ritz Chicken Casserole is an easy weeknight dinner made with simple ingredients and sure to please everyone. Perfect...
These Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies are the elevated version of chocolate chip cookies. Ingredients for Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies: Unsalted Butter (cold and...
This Keto Tomato Soup is so satisfying, and perfect for a fall day. Go check us out on Facebook and Instagram to see more fun content. The beginning...
Best ever, browned butter, old fashioned, traditional, banana bread. I’d say I consider myself a banana bread connoisseur. Not necessarily because I’m and expert...
15 Mother’s Day Breakfast & Brunch Ideas for every mother. Lemon Poppyseed Pancakes, Smoothie Bowls, Homemade Donuts, and more! BROWSE ALL OF OUR BREAKFAST...
Perfectly seasoned asparagus with that smoky grilled flavor. There really isn’t too much to this SIMPLE grilled asparagus so I won’t be writing much....
Homemade soft and fluffy English muffins perfect for breakfast and brunch. Did you know English muffins are actually American? Well, sort of. An English...
The perfect pancakes with a crisp, buttery exterior, and a fluffy, light interior Pancakes, hotcakes, flapjacks, johnnycakes, griddlecakes, etc. etc. etc. No matter what...
A simple breakfast recipe including American breakfast classics.Follow my blog with Bloglovin I first had these at my in-laws house my first Christmas spent...
A sweet variation of the all-american breakfast favorite omelette. Ahh, the breakfast omelette. A true testament to breakfast being the best meal of the...
Soft and chewy chocolate cookies filled with crunchy Mini Cadbury Eggs. CHECK OUT ALL OF OUR EASTER RECIPES HERE. Main Ingredients Needed for Cadbury...
An American breakfast favorite with smokey maple sausage, dipped in pancaked batter, fried to perfection, then dipped in syrup. Here’s a confession. Every birthday...
Our weekly meal plans include 5 homemade dinner recipes and a dessert that are budget-friendly, easy-to-make, and fit into a busy weeknight schedule with...
Weekly meal plans include 5 homemade dinner recipes and a dessert that are budget-friendly, easy-to-make, and fit into a busy weeknight schedule with nutrition...
Keat’s Eats is all about sharing delicious, family-favorite recipes that are easy to make and bring joy to the dinner table. Whether you’re a seasoned home cook or just looking for some inspiration for your next family meal, you’re in the right place.
Chocolate Protein Pudding
Monster Cookie Energy Bites
Protein Donuts
Macro Friendly Reese’s
Valentine’s M&M Cookies
Red Velvet Sugar Cookies
Holiday Recipes E-Cookbook
Looking for holiday recipe inspiration? Download this free e-cookbook with all our favorite holiday dishes, including recipes not found on the blog! Subscribe to get your copy today 💌